Friday, 22 March 2013

Making an advertisement

Duiring last week we work on making like the "script" of an advertisement for a cellphone, after that the teacher ask us to make the text we make into a full ad and this is what i`ve do, it is and ad about the new Blackberry Z10.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Language and Literature year 11

This year we will take a look at mass communication, we will be looking and studying media texts of al types and we will also do some crytical analysis.On the second semester we will take a look again at literature reading the famous novel Jane Eyrie and a collection of poems. I expect this year to have many challenges involving english but I trust that my capabylities will be enough to have a succesful year.


1.- The producer of this ad is axe

2.-It is enticing because it give  a very powerful for many men affecting their emotions.

3.- The value they show is love and that it is more important to have a social life than playing video games

4.-The girl views is left apart because this is a totally male oriented advertisement and also their are shown as very superficial.

5.-Convince men to buy this product by catching their attetion showing waht would the product do for them