Biogas starts being acknowleded worldwide as one of the most upfront technology for upgrading waste to valuable fertiliser and renewable energy. It can be used to power motor vehicles. In the UK, for example, biogas is estimated to have the potential to replace around 17% of vehicle fuel.
-What is the process of biogas production?
Biogas is the end of a complex process of aerobic descomposition, By the end of the process Biogas is mainly composed of methane and carbon dioxide.. In the standard process of biogas production, the bioorganic material is processed before being fed into the biogas plant. The plant consists of a mixer, two digesters and a gas storage. The digesters are also called fermentation tanks and are the crucial components of the plant since they provide the anaerobic conditions in which the bacteria generate biogas. The substrates have to be constantly heated and stirred in order to ensure their homogenity and the consistent discharge of gas. The gas holder is normally an airproof steel container that, by floating like a ball on the fermentation mix, cuts off air to the digesters (anaerobiosis) and collects the gas generated. In one of the most widely used designs, the gas holder is equipped with a gas outlet, while the digesters are provided with an overflow pipe to lead the sludge out into a drainage pit.
-Is it Biogas a sustainible energy resource?
-Establishing a decentralised energy supply
-Providing high quality fertilizers
-Reducing unpleasant local odours
-Strengthening regional economies and creating added value
Although, on the other hand we can see that the methane contained within biogas is 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide.Therefore, uncontained landfill gas, which escapes into the atmosphere may significantly contribute to the effects of global warming. In addition, landfill gas impact in global warming; also volatic organic compounds (VOCs) contained within landfill gas greatly contribute to the formation of smog.
Question to reflect about:
Do you think that biogas could be use as a sustainable way to produce energy in chile?