Monday 29 October 2012

Anne Frank diary

Now, after I have finish my written task I have started reading fatelessness again, but when i was going page by page throught the chapters, I started thinking how was WWII but in another point of view, from another boy or girl that live in those times. Thinking about it it quickly appeared in my head Anne Frankk  and his incredible story so I decided to write about her story, her diary and her life during that period, in order to understand better the context of "fatelessness" since bothe the novel and the diary have many simmilarities, being the mos important one, that both narrators where boys and the authors live in those times and suffer the Nazi attrocities.

Plot and story summary:During the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands Anne Frank began to keep a diary on June 14, 1942, two days after her 13th birthday, and twenty two days before going into hiding with her mother Edith Frank, father Otto Frank, sister Margot Frank and three other people, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, and Peter van Pels. The group went into hiding in the sealed-off upper rooms of the annex of her father's office building in Amsterdam. The sealed-off upper-rooms also contained a hidden door behind which the Franks would hide during the parts when Nazi soldiers were investigating the buildings for harbored Jews. Mrs. van Pels' dentist, Fritz Pfeffer, joined them four months later. In the published version, names were changed: the van Pels are known as the Van Daans and Fritz Pfeffer is known as Mr. Dussel. With the assistance of a group of Otto Frank's trusted colleagues, they remained hidden for two years and one month, until their betrayal in August 1944, which resulted in their deportation to Nazi concentration camps. Of the group of eight, only Otto Frank survived the war. Anne died in Bergen-Belsen from a typhus infection in early March, shortly (about two weeks) before liberation by British troops in April 1945.

Here is a video I find very emotive about Anne Frank and her diary:

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