Saturday 27 October 2012

Pride and prejudice

have get more questions to answer about "Pride and prejudice", hope you enjoy.

1. What degrees of emancipation and/or conservative reinforcement of 18th-Century family values does Elizabeth Bennet's marriage to Mr. Darcy support?

She was a free woman with pride and liberty, and that what make her an example of emancipation although she still marriage Mr. Darcy but in my opinion she alone take the decision and choose for herself what she wants.

2. What attitudes to marriage does 'Pride and Prejudice' convey? What other options did Elizabeth Bennet have?

In the novel the only option women have was to marry to keep their pride up. Otherwise they were disqualified by society. In this context Elisabeth love story have lot of similarities with other romantic stories, with the difference that here Elisabeth is a free woman and take her own decisions, so finally the story have a happy ending, and  Elisabeth is still free.

3. How does the introduction made by Vivien Jones affect your reading and approach to the novel? 

Tell us what the story is about and help us to get some clues about the historical context, without revealing the end. In my opinion this introduction kept the reader engage to the novel and make him want to read and know more about it.

4. How could the social circumstances and contexts of 'Pride and Prejudice' apply to different cultures and contexts today?

I think that this idea of woman emancipation is more common in our occidental society than in other cultures but still is always something important to look about. Actually in the occidental society women are practically free but in other cultures such us Islamic countries, women have a very small role and they are even look more us objects than humans.

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